Saturday, September 28, 2013

Lesson #6 - A Fairy Tale Email


I’m so glad you took a little leap and opened my email! Allow me to introduce myself – my name is Lacee Utt and I’m a passionate wedding event lover and an avid social media enthusiast. Now, I’m sure you hear that more often than you would like, so let me explain what I mean by that statement…

Much like most young girls, I grew up playing in princess dresses and hosting pretend (albeit quite real to me) tea parties for my dolls and stuffed animals. However, I quickly realized that my fascination with all thinsgs glittery and magical ran much deeper than a simple girlhood dream. I’ve always had a “pixie dust” approach to life, but when I joined the Walt Disney Company my senior year of college, I’m pretty sure that pixie dust quadrupled! It was a range of emotions that can pretty much be summed up like this…

I haven’t had the most typical professional career journey to say the least. From operating theme park attractions to solving guest situations while wearing a plaid wool vest in 90 degree Florida sun, nothing has ever been off limits. It’s been through these “interesting” positions that I have found the core skills and values that make up my professional self. Impeccable guest (customer) service, exceeding guest expectations, anticipating guests needs and desires before they are ever mentioned, and remaining calm, kind, and understanding in high stress and demanding situations. All of those experiences, coupled with incredible skills that I learned along the way, eventually led me to the mecca of all things pixie dust filled: Disney’s Fairy Tale Weddings!

My time with the Disney Weddings team has lead me to my true passion; creating and executing fairy tales for any person brave enough to dream of their very own happily ever after! With this passion and my growing knowledge of social media and marketing, I would make an incredible candidate for your Social Media Manager position. While David’s Bridal already has a strong social presence, I would love to further and deepen that presence by creating lasting and real relationships with fans, followers, and customers alike. By taking your existing social media outlets and adding in even more personal touches, together we could take David’s Bridal to places never thought possible. Adding in places for tips and tricks from wedding professionals, places for Brides and Grooms to dream and create their perfect day (take a look at my Pinterest board for an example), and places to showcase real life fairy tales come true are all ideas that I would bring to this position. I hope to strengthen the idea already brought forth in your television commercials…You’ll love David’s Bridal.

I love David’s Bridal and I hope that you will love me too!

In Love and Laughter,
Lacee Utt

{Let's Make A Connection}

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Lesson #5 - Blogging Right Along

Blogs are something that has remained quite mysterious to me over the years. I have attempted to dabble in the art of blog writing a few times throughout college and beyond, but each time I would get bored with it, run out of topics to discuss, or simply get caught up in life and forget about writing. After reading an article post on Copy Blogger’s website, I understand now that the one of the biggest reasons I was an unsuccessful blogger was because I was focusing on me! This quote petty much sums it up, There’s nothing wrong with a healthy ego, but your blog really isn’t about you. It’s about your readers.

So this week, I will be taking a looking at several blogs that got the memo and are not simply writing about themselves (or not). I will examine what type of blog it is (news, professional, semi-professional, recreational, link sharing, or group), what its purpose is, what makes it unique and how it reflects its brand. I will also look at what drives traffic to the blog, if it’s a “successful” blog, if there are advertisers potential for advertisers, and what I think is missing from the blog.

  • This would be considered a semi-professional blog as they post generally just once a day or once every other day. It’s hard to tell how many contributors there are on this blog as no blog is “penned” by a certain person.
  • The purpose of this blog is to showcase the latest offerings from the J. Crew brand and this is primarily done through photo sharing and very limited text. The text that does appear is generally quotes from the featured designer and/or a brief question and answer session with the designer.
  • The most unique part of this blog is the fact that it’s primarily a photo blog; it’s even powered by Tumblr, which is known for their photo blogs. The blog does an incredible job at showcasing their designers and giving the consumer “sneak peaks” or “backstage looks” at how some of their favorite pieces of clothing come to life.
  • This blog reflects the J. Crew brand accurately and effectively. Starting with the easy to follow and eye catching layout, the blog embodies J. Crew’s easy going and polished relaxed feel of their brand and stores. By featuring designers and new pieces of clothing, it allows their followers to build a better relationship with the brand as a whole, as well as very specific aspects of the brand (i.e. shoes, accessories, sweaters, etc.).
  • The best way to find the J. Crew blog is through their website. There is a link to the blog at the very top of the site; right next to their various departs (men, women, girls, boys, etc.). When J. Crew is typed into Google, the blog is not one of the first links to populate; in fact, it’s nearly at the bottom of the search results.
  • By most accounts, I would say this is a relatively successful blog. I think that it’s geared toward a very specific, fashion focused reader and therefore may be missing out on potential followers. For the casual shopper or J. Crew browser, the blog might be a little too intimidating as it focuses on the details of fashion creation. However, for those that love the industry or have a passion for fashion, it’s a great place to look around and learn from professionals. Also, the blog allows its readers to follow the brand on their various social media platforms through widgets and social sharing buttons as well as making the blog itself easy to follow (i.e. “Follow Me” button in the bottom right corner of the page, even as you scroll).
  • The one piece missing from this blog is the ability to find it! Even though it’s a very specific audience they seem to be playing to, pushing their blog content more could be a way to expand their audience and gain new followers (and eventually customers).
  • There are no advertisements on this blog and there really doesn’t need to be, in my opinion. It’s a blog for a specific brand and advertising another brand might confuse the follower. The only way to advertise on a blog like this would be to showcase brands that are not in direct competition with J. Crew (maybe a make-up line or hair products).

Starbucks Blog
  • Even though this is a HUGE brand, I would have to say that their blog type is actually rather recreational. Their content is produced very sporadically and really isn’t characterized into one specific cause or purpose.
  • It seems that the random posting on the Starbucks blog is centered on their philanthropic efforts and their community involvement.
  • The most unique part of this blog would be the style of their blog posts. Each post (albeit small in quantity) generally tackles a social issue of some sort and incorporates photos, links, or videos to drive the message home. The latest post is actually an open letter to customers from the CEO talking about certain customer policies and what the “vision” of Starbucks really is.
  • The blog is the same layout of their actual website, so it’s easy to navigate and consistent with their overall branding scheme. We all know Starbucks to be a very community centered and environmentally involved company and their blog is an extension of these values.
  • To be completely honest, I have no idea how this blog attracts readers (or if it really even does at all). The blog does not appear anywhere on their website or social media outlets and it is not one of the options when Starbucks is searched on Google. The only way to find the blog is to either type “blog” into the search engine on the Starbucks site or to type “Starbucks blog” into a global search engine (i.e. Google).
  • By all accounts, I would consider this an unsuccessful blog. It is virtually impossible to even find the blog and once you are there, the quantity of posts is quite disappointing. While there are options to socially share the content on the blog, quite frankly, it’s not really worth sharing.
  • There are no advertisers on this blog and the only real potential would, again, be brands that are not directly competing with the Starbucks brand. Possibly the artists that Starbucks showcases could buy a bit of promotional ad space or even earth-friendly merchandise brands would fit nicely. However, without better marketing of the actual blog, no advertiser should spend their precious budget on a blog that posts maybe once a month.

Perez Hilton 
  • This would be considered a news blog as it reports the latest and greatest in celebrity and pop culture information. It is maintained by a team of writers even though Perez Hilton himself is the main face of the blog and the person followers connect with.
  • The purpose of this blog is to provide the most up to date and exclusive celebrity news to their followers, all done with a snarky and humorous tone.
  • Perez Hilton himself is what really makes this blog unique. He is a hilarious, crude, and smart-mouthed person and his blog is nothing short of the exact same thing. Each post generally contains a photo that his team has drawn terribly inappropriate or absolutely hilarious remarks/art work on that further increases the hilarity of the post.
  • As previously stated, Perez Hilton himself is a terribly inappropriate and crude man, and his blog site is a true and honest reflection of himself.
  • Just by typing in “celebrity gossip” into Google, Perez Hilton is the first link that appears. His take on pop culture and the “paparazzi” lifestyle is extremely well known and quite trusted (as crazy as it may seem).
  • This is a very successful blog, all across the boards. While there is no way to “measure” the amount of followers on this blog, Perez Hilton does have more than six million followers on Twitter! His blog allows for easy social sharing with buttons on the bottom of every single post and he utilizes his Twitter account to drive traffic back to his website by posting teasers coupled with links to his site. There are multiple stories posted daily (even hourly) on his blog, so there is never a shortage of fresh and “hot” topics.
  • Perez Hilton does a great job of utilizing advertisements on his page. Occasionally, the entire background will be promoting a brand, movie, or event. Currently, the entire top banner of the page is promoting the Emmy awards. Also, towards the bottom of the site, you can find various clothing, shoe, and accessory brand advertisements.

  • This would be considered a semi-professional blog simply because there are not multiple posts per day. However, there is at least one post every day or every other day. There is also only “one” contributor to the blog, Korri.
  • The purpose of this blog is to showcase real life weddings at the Walt Disney World Resort, as well as share unique stories, adorable photos, new and fresh ideas, and of course, yummy Wedding Cake Wednesdays!
  • What makes this blog unique is their ability to weave incredible storytelling together with beautiful photos and real life stories. Disney is known for impeccable storytelling, and this blog is absolutely no exception. I would be lying if I said I didn’t cry nearly every time I read a new “Real Wedding Spotlight” post.
  • The Ever After Blog reflects the Disney brand by being true to the art of storytelling, like I mentioned above. It also continues the rich “personal” tradition of the company by showcasing real life events and including real names. Disney is a “first name company” and theses blog posts include that same principle, allowing readers to follow along and truly feel like a part of the couple’s journey.
  • This is absolutely a successful blog. It can easily be found on the Disney Weddings website as well as when searching Disney Weddings on Google.  There is a social media widget on the blog so you can easily connect with other Disney Wedding social platforms, as well as social sharing buttons at the bottom of every post. Another unique piece of “sharing” is the “Love It” option attached to every photo posted on the blog (and website). This feature allows the reader to essentially “pin” a photo to the Disney Weddings version of a Pinterest board, called a Dream Board.
  • Of course I’m pretty biased toward s this particular blog and I really don’t see anything missing! If I could, I would allow the photos to be “pinned” to a Pinterest board and not just the person’s Dream Board. I see what we are trying to do in this case, keep the traffic on our specific site, but it could be a way of spreading our brand to followers that might not visit the Disney Weddings website.
  • There are no advertisers on this blog and there really isn’t a place for them here. This is intended to be a clean and worry free space for followers to dream, create, and get inspired. Plus, when planning a Disney wedding, all of the details are taken care of for you. So, having catering companies, floral designers, or DJs advertising on this blog would not make any sense.

Caleb’s Heart
  • This is a recreational blog written by a family friend from home. The posts are not always posted on a consistent basis but they are all generally centered on one topic, Caleb.
  • The purpose of this blog is to communicate to family, friends, and followers the daily/weekly progress of Caleb. Caleb was born with a congenital heart defect and was placed in the hospital on a heart transplant list nearly a year ago. Caleb’s mom, Katie, maintains the blog and keeps everyone updated on the latest visits from doctors, the newest information regarding Caleb’s overall health, prayer requests and needs, and the well-being of her husband and their other son, Jonah.
  • What makes this blog unique is the honesty and truth in Katie’s writing. Through the past year, we have been able to experience the highs and lows of their journey through Katie’s writing. She doesn’t sugar coat things and when she needs our prayers, she’s not afraid to ask for them. Their entire family has developed an incredibly positive outlook on their situation, and it’s refreshing to read about how great everyone is doing in the midst of pain and challenge.
  • While there is no real “brand” in this case, Katie’s writing truly reflects her and her family’s outlook on life and their approach to handling tough situation. It’s a breath of fresh air reading about Caleb having a great day and it’s heart breaking to read about Jonah missing his brother’s company at home. Katie does a wonderful job of making us all feel like part of the family through her writing and allows us to personally connect with them, even when we are thousands of miles apart.
  • Katie and her family and friends do a great job of posting a link to the blog each time a new story is posted. Although only 144 people actually “follow” the blog, through Facebook and Twitter sharing, countless more have the opportunity to read about and experience this family’s journey.
  • For what this blog is trying to accomplish, I would consider it to be very successful. Katie posts real and honest updates on a fairly regular basis and the content is shared all over Facebook and Twitter. There are social share buttons on the bottom of each post, so it’s simple to spread the word and get more people reading.
  • Since this is a relatively personal blog, I wouldn’t change anything that Katie is doing. Like I said, the blog is serving its purpose of keeping friends, family, and followers updated and in the loop. For that same reason, there are no advertisers on this site, nor does there need to be. This blog is being used simply as a common communication tool to share stories with those would like to read.
There are so many different types of blogs out there just waiting to be read, followed, and shared. I encourage you to venture out on the world wide web and find some of your favorites...maybe even get inspired to write your own! With imagination and creativity, the sky really is the limit!

{Let's Make A Connection}

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Lesson #4 - Maintaining the Love

I love David’s Bridal so much that this week’s post is dedicated to that socially savvy and totally trendy Bride loving brand all over again!

Visiting David’s Bridal’s website is a fun, enjoyable, and informative experience for Brides of all kinds. It’s updated constantly with the latest additions to their various collections including bridal gowns, bridesmaid’s dresses, shoes, accessories and much more. With daily deals and online promotions, sometimes the website is more effective than an in-person stop at a David’s Bridal store!

There are several sections of the website that take a Bride far past just browsing for her gown or her bridal party dresses and introduce fresh and new content. The “Dress Your Wedding” link takes her to a virtual world where she can create her entire bridal party and actually put them in their outfits. She can even change the background to fit something closer to her actual wedding atmosphere. This option gives her the ability to “see” what her wedding party will look like when they are standing next to her.

The “Color &Style Inspiration” link brings her to a place where she can do just that…get inspired. There are links to the David’s Bridal catalog and look book, to the latest bridal trends, to real life wedding stories, and of course, to their blog and social media sites. One of the neatest features in this section is the “Find Your Figure” tool. It allows her to click on the body figure that most resembles her own and then gives her ideas for the types of dress that will look most faltering on her.
There is also a “WeddingSolutions” link that offers her advice on various parts of the wedding planning process, apart from dress and shoe buying. This section of the site shows viewers that David’s Bridal is more than just a wedding dress retailer, but that they are also true industry professionals with a great knowledge for their product and beyond. With links to local vendors, tips and advice articles, photographers, reception services and much more, it shows that David’s Bridal is a true expert when it comes to helping you plan your special day.

One of the best features of the David’s Bridal website is their “My Event” section. This is a great way to get Brides hooked on their site and coming back for more than just dresses and shoes and really plays to that “industry professional” piece we just talked about. The My Event site provides her with all of the tools needed to plan her special day. From a budget calculator to a shopping list, this is her virtual filing cabinet and will help keep her on task with the planning process. The best part – it’s completely mobile friendly! 

As you can see, David’s Bridal’s website is a fun and interactive place for Brides to play, dream, create, and be inspired. With “share” and “like” buttons on every buyable item’s page, it’s easy for users to share their findings with friends and followers alike. The best part about their website though is that you can continue dreaming and creating on your smart phone as well! Their mobile website is user friendly and easy to navigate, just like their online version, so the planning doesn’t have to stop when you leave your computer.

In visiting the David’s Bridal website, you will encounter some “push marketing” tactics like a pop up chat window that allows you to speak directly with a David’s Bridal representative, emails that offer promotions and insider tips on the latest trends in the wedding industry, and pop up ad windows showing off their exclusive wedding invitation collection. They also make great use of “pull marketing” techniques by giving you the opportunity to sign up for email newsletters, being the first link when “wedding dresses” is searched on Google, an opportunity to sign up for text messages alerts on promotions and trends,  and offer great real-life advice and stories on their official blog site.

Throughout all of David’s Bridal’s multiple online outlets, consistent branding and theming is seen on every platform. From Facebook to Twitter and Instagram to banner ads and websites, the use of their logo and similar colors (depending on the fashion season of course) makes it easy to navigate between each site and never feel lost or confused.

There isn’t a lot about the David’s Bridal website, or brand in general, that I would change. However, there is always room for improvement. I think that marketing their My Event tool more could prove quite useful. I had never even heard of their event tools until pretty recently, I thought that only brands with planning tools were The Knot and Wedding Wire. These two brands also off their planning tools in an app, something David's Bridal could benefit from greatly. It’s also pretty difficult to find their blog on their website and social media platforms. In fact, I’m not entirely sure how I happened upon in the first place. The only way I could find the link to it on their website, was at the VERY bottom of the site in a “Connect With Us” section that houses links to their Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and YouTube accounts. They obviously have a great presence in social media, but I feel like they could do a better job of sharing that with their website visitors.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Lesson #3 - You'll Love David's Bridal

With nearly 2.5 million weddings happening each year in the United States alone, it’s easy to assume how bridal superstore, David’s Bridal has become the most successful bridal retailer in the nation. According to ScottRogers, Director of Strategic Planning for David’s Bridal, from 2006 to 2007 two-thirds of all brides shopped at a David’s Bridal location! One of the many reasons David’s Bridal attracts such a large audience is their “David’sBridal difference.” Rogers explained that this means offering customers the ability to try on dresses in her size and color, and know exactly what she is purchasing (and at a reasonable price too). A stark contrast from the industry standard’s strategy of carrying sample dresses in just a few sizes and making their customers wait several months to “officially” try on their dress.

So how did David’s Bridal get their brand and idea seen in the first place? An incredible integrated marketing campaign – that’s how! David’s Bridal started as a small Fort Lauderdale bridal salon in 1950 and was purchased in 1972 by entrepreneur PhilYoutie. Youtie noticed in the 1980s that Brides were changing; he said, “I saw a busy, intelligent bride-to-be who didn’t have the time, patience, or money to shop for a wedding gown the old way.” Using this insight and analysis, David’s Bridal opened David’sBridal Warehouse in 1990, a first of its kind bridal superstore, offering discounted designer replica wedding dresses in all sizes and shapes. While it was met with industry criticism, budget conscience Brides fell in love with the concept! In 1994 and 1995, David’s Bridal doubled in size from 14 to 36 stores – fast forward to today and David’s Bridal operates more than 300stores nationwide.

So what kind of marketing strategy are we talking about exactly? Sure, David’s Bridal has seen incredible growth and evolution over the past 60 years, but how have their marketing strategies evolved? Simple, they have kept up with the latest and greatest technology creations!

In 1996, you could find this bridal gem on your television! That catchy tune, “You’ll love David’s Bridal,” has been a staple in the companies television commercials since the very beginning…admit it, you’re singing along right now too!

While their television commercials have evolved over the years, incorporating the latest fashion trends and hooking you with incredible sales and promotional offers, that catchy tune has remained a consistent piece of their marketing and advertising scheme.

Television is not the only place you’ll find David’s Bridal marketing on display. Have you ever opened one of the many bridal magazines on display at the grocery store checkout counter? If so, you’ve probably seen a David’s Bridal print ad like the ones pictured here. Often times, these ads also contain coupons or promotional offerings that the reader can redeem at a David’s Bridal location (or even online)..

David’s Bridal also has a presence at nearly every Bridal Show or Expo happening across the country! Bringing along samples of their latest collections, free giveaways for attendees, and helpful brand representatives that are passionate and knowledgeable about their product – couple those elements with the consistent use of their iconic logo and you’ve got a winning combination...and one I’m certainly going to pay attention to.

Speaking of consistency, have you ever stepped foot into more than one David’s Bridal store? If so, you probably haven’t noticed much a difference. Racks and racks of dresses in the front and fitting rooms in the back, it seems pretty standard but the consistent feel offers shoppers a sense of comfort and knowledge while browsing. 

One of the most helpful aspects of my recent David’s Bridal experience is their “Wish List." While I am getting married Florida, my bridesmaids will be coming from all over the country. I was able to go to my local David’s Bridal, pick out my bridesmaid dresses (and shoes), and add it to my “Wish List.” Now, all my bridal party needs to do is go to their local David’s Bridal and say they need items from Lacee’s Wish List. The associate can pull my Wish List from their database and my girls will know exactly what to purchase – super helpful and calms any nerves about your girls getting the wrong dress. After my in-store visit, I now get emails weekly about specials, promotions, and the latest additions to their various collections.

But don’t forget…I mentioned that David’s Bridal was keeping their fingers on the pulse of not just the latest fashion trends but also the latest advances in technologies. As Brides have gotten increasingly more mobile and virtual, David’s Bridal has had no choice but to keep up with the changing industry. They have an incredibly informative website that allows Brides to search their vast inventory at the click of a button. It's easy to register and quickly start receiving exclusive emails. However, it’s become more than just shopping for HER wedding dress; today’s Bride is looking for a one-stop-shop, a place she can browse (and potentially purchase) bridesmaid dresses, flower girl dresses, shoes, accessories, etc. David’s Bridal has answered her demands with an enormous inventory of personal and designer collections to dress her entire bridal party from head to toe. With the 2012 launch of their mobile website, Brides can literally have it all at their fingertips everywhere they go. KeelyConley, Director of e-Commerce for David’s Bridal said, “Mobile is key to the future of David’s Bridal’s multichannel experience…As a brand, being present across a broad range of consumer touch points is critical in strengthening our relationships with customers.” You can even join a text message club with David’s Bridal to receive bridal alerts and offers straight to your phone.

While the website has been a great tool in enhancing David’s Bridal’s marketing scheme, they knew it was also time to expand into the ever growing social media world. With the creation of official David’s Bridal Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and blog pages, I’d say David’s Bridal is doing pretty well keeping up with the times! Each of these platforms offer ways for David’s Bridal to reach their consumers in ways that Phil Youtie would have never thought possible in 1972. These platforms allow fans, followers, and David’s Bridal themselves to share personal stories about their experiences, tell their own stories on a public platform, and share tips and tricks with the ever-emotional bridal community. Each of these social outlets helps to foster relationships between consumers and the brand better than any television or print advertisement ever could.

David’s Bridal has clearly done a great job of blending outbound marketing (television commercials, print ads, and in-person sales expos) with inbound marketing tactics (websites, emails, and social media platforms). So well, in fact, that David’s Bridal was honored as a Silver Winner at the 2012Channel Innovation Awards for its “innovative approaches to connecting brides to personalized wedding planning resources through its online web store and creative a cohesive brand experience no matter how or where their customers shop.”

Monday, September 2, 2013

Lesson #2 - New Is Better Than Old

Welcome to the 21st century, where we have information at our finger tips and we request our news updates come every second rather than three times a day. We are officially a world of on-demand and instantaneous consumers and there is no turning back now. If companies and brands want to keep up with the changing (already changed) times, they need to jump onto the bandwagon…and quick! It’s time (in most cases, past time) to start changing the way our marketing departments are created, maintained, and utilized. We must now look at ways to make our content available to the consumer at all hours of the day, and be ready to react to those consumers’ requests and comments (at all hours of the day). This will take more than staffing our marketing departments with 9am-5pm employees; we need to have a staff dedicated to monitoring and researching our audiences and ready to fire back with a response in a matter of minutes. In this new era of technology and business, letting a post or comment sit untouched for too long can have a negative effect on your brand. At the same time, know when to stop talking or when to stay silent all together. The “old” conventional approach to marketing just doesn't have what it takes to carry your brand to success in this new social media driven world.

While employee and content availability is crucial to success for your brand on social media, so is the language and composition of that content. The content your company or brand shares with its audience needs to be relevant and personal, allowing for human connections to grow and develop. These are much different approaches from the previous safe and formal route marketing campaigns were driven down. With content being available at any moment and never truly going away, it’s no longer a campaign marketers should really be focused on, it’s now solid and engaging content that takes precedence over a simple marketing campaign. Concentrating on forming bonds and relationships with your audience, through genuine and direct contact is what gets your followers excited about your brand and willing to share their excitement with others. In this day and age, word of mouth has morphed into an online sharing phenomenon. For every online conversation, there are nine offline conversations about that same piece of content. Social media has become a spring board for sharing content and a place to get consumers talking about your product!

I for one am clearly a fan of the new way of thinking in terms of marketing and social media. While there is still a place for old school marketing methods, like print ads and television commercials, it’s pretty clear that those methods on their own are no longer enough. If you’re not ready to take the leap into the new way of thinking completely, try adding in a dash of new school methods here and there along with your traditional approaches…after all, it is important to walk before you run!